
AndroSwitch masculine contraceptive ring companion app

View the Project on GitHub coldiary/AndroTrack

Privacy policy

Protecting your information is important to Apple. This Privacy Policy reflects our commitment not to collect, use, disclose, transfer, or retain your information.

Please take the time to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices and contact us if you have any questions.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

Personal data (or “personal information”) is data that can be used to uniquely identify or contact a single individual.

No personal data is collected by the application.

Collection and Use of Non-Personal Data

The only data that you may provide to the application are, in a comprehensive manner:

The data is stored in the HealthKit service provided by Apple, and you can view/delete it in the health application. This data is used for advisory purposes exclusive to you and you alone.

All data used by the app is stored on your device and does not leave your device.

Disclosure to Third Parties

AndroTrack does not store any data, only provides a tool for users to manage their own tracking, and may not be required - by law, in the context of a legal proceeding, a dispute and/or a request from public authorities in your country of residence or otherwise - to disclose your personal data. We do not retain any.

Protection of Personal Data

AndroTrack takes the ultimate precaution to protect your personal data: we do not collect any personal data.